For visa information, please follow this linkThe registered participants requiring a visa should contact the organisation committee for an invitation letter ( with the e-mail subject of “Letter for Visa”.

All participants have to register before payment. Please follow this link to register.
The registration fee can be paid by bank transfer or credit card (MasterCard/Visa).

1. Bank transfer
    Bank name: Santander Bank Polska S.A.
    Bank address: 50-373 Wroclaw, Norwida 1/3
    Account name: Politechnika Wroclawska
    Account no (IBAN): PL
9110 9024 0200 0000 0610 000 626
   Swift code: WBKPPLPPXXX
   Reference: ISAG2024/Your Surname_First name

2. Credit card payments (MasterCard/Visa) click here.

A maximum of 2 papers can be presented with one registration fee.

Person Early Bird 
(Until 10 March 2024)


(Until 26 April 2024)

Regular 150 EUR  200 EUR  250 EUR
Pensioner 65+ 75 EUR 100 EUR 125 EUR
Student* 75 EUR 100 EUR 125 EUR
Accompanying Person** 50 EUR 50 EUR 50 EUR

Undergraduate students (proof required at the registration desk) can attend all sessions free of charge.
**The accompanying person's fee includes welcome reception only.
***On-site payments will only be accepted from those who want to participate without presenting a paper or Accompanying person

  • Registration fee includes attendance at the conference, welcome reception (ice breaker), two lunches, four coffee/tea breaks.
  • Registered participants can present up to two papers. 
  • The presenting participant must be registered according to their statute (Regular/Pensioner 65+, Student).


If you require an invoice for your registration, please send an e-mail to with your invoice details.

Terms and Conditions
1. Registration fees and other ISAG2024-related payments are non-refundable.
2. Your data will not be shared with third parties. Processing of your personal information provided via the registration form is performed strictly for the registration purpose to the ISAG2024 symposium and for sending notifications and other ISAG2024-related details via e-mail.